Review: Luck of the Draw by Kate Clayborn

I did something completely out of character before starting this book, or should I say I DIDN’T do something. I didn’t read the book summary *gasps* I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever started a book without reading the blurb. But boy am I glad I didn’t. I felt like Ms. Clayborn was giving me little gifts at every revelation. Woah, relationship of convenience (my favorite trope); ooooh monosyllabic hero, SEXY AND BROODY I love it.

This book was so much more than I expected. Based on the lovely title and charming cover I expected a light-hearted, fluffy romance. Aiden, a shy, sometimes grumpy paramedic and Zoe, a type-A-all-the-way lawyer with a guilt complex were equal parts damaged and lovable. Don’t get me wrong, this story had some hilarious and sweet scenes (COCKTOBER – I’m still laughing) but the core story focused on two people who had lived through heartbreaking tragedy and grew by learning to love each other.

The relationship that developed between Aiden and Zoe wasn’t in any way eclipsed by the beautiful friendships Zoe has with her gal group. Occasionally secondary characters try to take over the plot. Not so in this book. Zoe’s strong ties to her best girlfriends highlighted her maturity and independence. Adult friendships are complicated and Ms. Clayborn didn’t shy away from difficult conversations or confrontations as the characters demanded it.

As a disclaimer, the characters in this book don’t always say the right thing. They get angry, mean, petty but they’re always real. Emotions are messy, people are messy, and most of all, love is messy. If you’re looking for a fantasy, picture-perfect romance novel, you won’t find it here. If you’re looking for a sexy contemporary romance with relatable characters and a believable love story, this one is for you!

**I received an ARC of this book in order to provide an honest review**

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